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L029013 aggiungi al carrello
Scenes from Italian Convent Life. An Anthology of Convent Theatrical Texts and Contexts
Serie «Seminario Susan and Donald Mazzoni», 2009
a cura di Elissa Weaver
Il Portico n. 148
pp. 256, 8 ill. bn, ISBN 978-88-8063-608-3    € 25.00

E' possibile scaricare questo volume in versione PDF, a pagamento,
tramite Casalini Libri Digital Division

E.B. Weaver, Introduction - Textual Note - Transcription Criteria - E. Carney, Antonia Pulci’s Rappresentazione di Santa Domitilla and the Defense of Virginity in Quattrocento Florence - K. Bandurski, The Rappresentazione di Santa Cecilia vergine e martire, written by Suor Cherubina Venturelli. Text. English Translation: The Play of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr - M.C. Fabbian, Heavenly Aromas and Tough Stomachs in Benvenuto Flori's L'Evangelica parabola delle vergini prudenti e delle stolte. Text. English Translation: Three Scenes from the Biblical Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins - D. Pastina, Suor Annalena Odaldi’s Commedia di Nannuccio e quindici figliastre. Text. English Translation: Nannuccio and His Fifteen Stepdaughters. English Verse Translation by D. Garfinkle - C. Hillman, The Sposalizio d’Ipparchia filosofa by Suor Clemenza Ninci. Text. English Translation: The Marriage of Hipparchia, Lady Philosopher - J. Haraguchi, The Rappresentazione dei vizi e delle virtú by Eleonora Ramirez de Montalvo. Text. English Translation The Play of Virtues and Vices - C. Quaintance, Le feste by Moderata Fonte. Text. English Translation: The Feast Days - S. Christopher, The “Processetto” of the nuns of the Misericordia in Reggio Emilia. Text. English Translation: The “Little Interrogation”

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