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Memoria del Tempo

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Exile, Politcs and Theology in Dante, 2013
a cura di Claire E. Honess - Matthew Treherne
Memoria del Tempo n. 38
pp. 128, ISBN 978-88-8063-772-1    € 20.00

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Claire E. Honess & Matthew Treherne, Introduction: Exile, Politics and Theology in Dante - Matthew Treherne, Reading Dante’s Heaven of the Fixed Stars (Paradiso xxii-xxvii): Declaration, Pleasure and Praise - Marco Giani, Holding the Coin, Possessing the Coin: Faith, from Theoretical to True Possession - Vittorio Montemaggi, The Theology of Dante’s Commedia as seen in the light of the cantos of the Heaven of the Fixed Stars - Catherine Keen, Florence and Faction in Dante’s Lyric Poetry: Framing the Experience of Exile - Claire E. Honess, ‘Ritornerò poeta…’: Florence, Exile, and Hope - Simon Gilson, Reading Florence in Dante’s Commentators, 1324-1570

Few passages of Dante’s Commedia have been as widely studied and debated as the opening lines of Paradiso XXV, in which the Florentine poet dreams that his great text might be his passport back to the city which had exiled him. In these lines is contained, in nuce, the whole project of the Commedia: its focus on the heavenly while engaging with the earthly, its conversionary intent, the great claims made for it by its author as a poem like no other, and its embracing of the theological, the political, the poetic and the personal in an inextricable unity. These elements – theology, politics, poetry – represent also the subject-matter of this book, which takes Paradiso XXV as its inspiration and starting-point, but which ranges across the whole of Dante’s oeuvre and beyond, to explore the far-reaching lessons and ideas which these lines evoke.