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AUTORI: Scheiwiller, Vanni

L300016 aggiungi al carrello
Dante e Pound, 1998
a cura di Maria Luisa Ardizzone
Interventi classensi n. 17
pp. 248, ISBN 88-8063-139-X    € 25.00

M.L. Ardizzone, Pound as Reader of Aristotle and His Medieval Commentators and Dante’s Commedia; T.J. Cachey, Between Hermeneutics and Poetics: BinBin’s Dante Revisited; P. Cherchi, Pound and The Spirit of Romance; M. de Rachewiltz, «Radiando, lui cagiona»; H. Kenner, Pound and the American Dante; A.W. Litz, Dante, Pound, Eliot: The Visionary Company; M. Luzi, Prolusione; P.J. Makin, The Shape of Pound’s Dante; L. Martz, Prophetic Voice in Dante and Pound; G. Mazzotta, Pound’s Canto 74 and Dante’s Pisan Canto; T. Redman, Pound’s Debt to Dante; V. Scheiwiller, Per il Dante di Ezra Pound; S. Sicari, In Dante’s Memory: Pound’s Modernist Allegory; L. Surette, Pound and Eccentric Dante Scholars; D.P. Tryphonopoulos, Pound Reading Dante Reading Homer: The Survival of the Palingenetic Tradition in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos; R. Way Dasenbrock, Saladin, Conficius and the Status of the «Other» in Dante and Pound

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